Entries by Manuel Schmelzle

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J&S Mexico: Inauguration of Our New Constructed Wetland in Mexicali

Janisch & Schulz Mexiko hat eine neue Pflanzenkläranlage nahe Ciudad Guadalupe Victoria fertiggestellt. Das Projekt erweitert eine bestehende Lagunenkläranlage um zwei zusätzliche Reinigungsstufen: acht vertikal durchflossene bepflanzte Bodenfilter (12.800 m²) und eine Serie von Schönungsteichen (14.000 m²). Diese Kombination verbessert die Reinigungsleistung erheblich und föJanisch & Schulz Mexico has completed a new constructed wetland near Ciudad Guadalupe Victoria. The project expands an existing lagoon-based treatment plant with two additional purification stages: eight vertical-flow planted filters (12,800 m²) and a series of polishing ponds (14,000 m²). This combination significantly enhances treatment efficiency and supports the ecological restoration of the area.rdert die ökologische Aufwertung des Gebiets.

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DWA Climate Award: Janisch & Schulz Participates

Janisch & Schulz is participating in the DWA Climate Award with a constructed wetland at the “Little Franklin” nature kindergarten in Mannheim. The system naturally treats wastewater on-site, avoiding discharge into the public sewer. The purified water infiltrates locally, creating wetland habitats that enhance biodiversity and serve as green, cooling areas. This project demonstrates how nature-based wastewater treatment can support climate adaptation in urban environments. The award winners will be announced at the DWA “Water Days” in Berlin in September.

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Who we are: Pioneers of Nature-Based Solutions for Wastewater Treatment

At J&S Engineers, we know how to purify wastewater and we have successfully been doing that for more than 30 years now. Starting off with small and medium-scale solutions, today we lead international projects for large-scale systems, treating wastewater for up to 25.000 people. Our design know-how includes complete multi-stage treatment plants, applying nature-based solutions as the core technology.

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30 years of Constructed Wetlands from Janisch & Schulz

Innovation needs pioneers who courageously forge ahead and explore new horizons. This is exactly what happened in the early 1990s in Münzenberg, when two young engineers set out to introduce a little-known technology that was environmentally friendly, energy-saving, process-stable, and required minimal technical components: we are talking about constructed wetlands (CWs).