Janisch & Schulz Mexiko hat eine neue Pflanzenkläranlage nahe Ciudad Guadalupe Victoria fertiggestellt. Das Projekt erweitert eine bestehende Lagunenkläranlage um zwei zusätzliche Reinigungsstufen: acht vertikal durchflossene bepflanzte Bodenfilter (12.800 m²) und eine Serie von Schönungsteichen (14.000 m²). Diese Kombination verbessert die Reinigungsleistung erheblich und föJanisch & Schulz Mexico has completed a new constructed wetland near Ciudad Guadalupe Victoria. The project expands an existing lagoon-based treatment plant with two additional purification stages: eight vertical-flow planted filters (12,800 m²) and a series of polishing ponds (14,000 m²). This combination significantly enhances treatment efficiency and supports the ecological restoration of the area.rdert die ökologische Aufwertung des Gebiets.

Janisch & Schulz is participating in the DWA Climate Award with a constructed wetland at the “Little Franklin” nature kindergarten in Mannheim. The system naturally treats wastewater on-site, avoiding discharge into the public sewer. The purified water infiltrates locally, creating wetland habitats that enhance biodiversity and serve as green, cooling areas. This project demonstrates how nature-based wastewater treatment can support climate adaptation in urban environments. The award winners will be announced at the DWA “Water Days” in Berlin in September.

At J&S Engineers, we know how to purify wastewater and we have successfully been doing that for more than 30 years now. Starting off with small and medium-scale solutions, today we lead international projects for large-scale systems, treating wastewater for up to 25.000 people. Our design know-how includes complete multi-stage treatment plants, applying nature-based solutions as the core technology.

The J&S Wetland Roofs system represents a significant advancement in the purification of wastewater on green roofs, simultaneously offering passive cooling effects in buildings.

In Paraguay’s legislative landscape, our engineers at Janisch & Schulz proudly contributed to a UN-funded infrastructure project, focusing on wastewater treatment solutions that seamlessly blend with intelligent architecture.